Free breakfast and lunch for all students during 2021-2022 school year

ALL children in grades Kindergarten through 8th, that are enrolled in our schools, are eligible to receive a FREE breakfast and lunch every day they are in attendance at no cost to the family for the entire 2021-2022 school year. Each meal is served with a milk. 

For details on breakfast and lunch options, visit the Sodexo menu on our website.  The menu will be updated in August as the start of school nears.

An additional milk can be purchased separately for $0.50 cents. Your child must have funds on their MealTime account to purchase this additional milk.

HILLE MIDDLE SCHOOL - Your child will be able to purchase a la carte items with lunches at Hille Middle School only. Any a la carte items are not included in the free meal. If your child wishes to purchase any a la carte items, please make sure you have funds on your child's MealTime account.

If you have any specific questions about this program, please visit the Food Service webpage for further details.
