eLearning Day for Foster Elementary Students - March 5, 2025

On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Foster Elementary School ONLY will have an eLearning Day. This is due to electrical outages in Oak Forest that affected the phone system ONLY at Foster Elementary School. No other District 142 School Buildings were/are affected. All other District 142 School Buildings - Kerkstra, Ridge, and Hille - will have in-person instruction on March 5, 2025.


To ensure the utmost safety and security, it is imperative that we have a fully functional phone system at Foster Elementary School. Our Technology Department is working closely with our phone provider to restore service as soon as possible.


Per our eLearning plan:

Foster students will meet with their teachers via Google Meet. Foster students will be engaged in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies or Science, and Specials activities. You will receive a separate email link from your child's teacher to connect with eLearning at Foster Elementary for March 5, 2025.

We will communicate immediately when phone service has been restored and in-person instruction at Foster Elementary School will resume.



Dr. Kristine Roth, Superintendent
